The question is never about ‘what do I get?’, rather more about ‘who am I becoming?’. We believe that everyone is called by God to have an impact in this world. We have created our Citipointe Internship to help you discover and confirm God’s calling for your life, while simultaneously preparing you for YOUR NEXT, whatever that might be. You may feel called to ministry, or media, or to be a great parent or to politics; an Internship at Citipointe will equip, train, challenge and empower you to take hold of all God has for your life. As you intentionally set aside a year and sow the raw materials of calling, study and training, we know that you will reap a world-changing, God-glorifying destiny.

We are more committed than ever to see men and women rise up to be all God has called them to be. We know that by doing the Citipointe Internship you will be positioned to unmistakably influence your world for good and for God.

Mark & Leigh Ramsey
Global Senior Pastors, Citipointe Church

The Citipointe Internship is practically outworked in your local church or Citipointe location.
Our Theological and Leadership Extensive Learning Classes are held at one of the following locations:

South Brisbane

Citipointe Church Mansfield
322 Wecker Road, Mansfield QLD Australia 4152


Citipointe Church Redcliffe
195 Elizabeth Ave, Clontarf QLD Australia 4019


Citipointe Church North
11 Henzell Rd, Caboolture QLD 4510

Pine Rivers

Citipointe Church Pine Rivers
3 Nellies Ln, Kallangur QLD 4503

Northern Colorado

Citipointe Church NoCo
5656 McWhinney Blvd, Loveland, CO 80538


Citipointe Church Nashville
7533 Lords Chapel Drive, Nashville, TN 37211


The Citipointe Internship is designed to equip local churches through intentional and highly practical leadership development. The Internship is set up to provide hands on experience alongside in-depth teaching, that confirm and equip the call of God upon each student. The Citipointe Internship is open to students from all churches. We would love to partner with you and your church.

Contact Us


Year of Internship: 2018

In 2018, I stepped unknowingly into a year that would radically change my whole life. I faced struggles, celebrated triumphs, was stretched and challenged but in the end, graduated from the Citipointe Internship with a crystal clear vision of who and where God was calling me to NEXT! Now, as I step into a new season of study, I am ready, called, purposed, confident, determined and transformed thanks to God and the Citipointe Internship Academy.


Year of Internship: 2018

Current Position: Assistant Kids Pastor at Citipointe Church Brisbane

I can’t imagine where I’d be without the Internship! It set me up for my future and I constantly see the fruit of it in my everyday life.


Year of Internship: 2021

Current position: Videographer & Photographer at Citipointe Church Brisbane and Redcliffe

2021 was my year for leadership breakthrough. I was destined and determined to see God move in a greater measure in me and through me. Citipointe Internship was the perfect avenue that I would see open up a WORLD of possibility in my personal & professional life.

Internship has prepared me to work & serve in a substantially higher capacity than ever before - it pushed me to grow & serve more effectively in not only my local Church but the greater Citipointe Brisbane region. Though there were struggles, hardship & unique complications along the way, the Internship provided practical ways to develop our capacity whilst also teaching us to pray bigger, better & stronger prayers.

Now, I graduated with purpose, vision, confidence, a greater theological understanding of the Bible, stronger practical methods for prayer and a determination burning in me to see more of Heaven on Earth, and more of Earth go to Heaven.


Year of Internship: 2018

Current position: Program Manager for IT'S NOT OK Projects at Citipointe Church Brisbane

Moving over from New Zealand to do the Internship is one of the best decisions I have ever made. The course allowed me to not only develop my creative and administrative skills, but more importantly brought focus into strengthening my spiritual foundations and relationship with God. Looking back on my internship year, I now realise that it prepared and equipped me in ways I didn't know I needed at the time. I am beyond grateful for the program and the people that invested into me over this course.


Year of Internship: 2021

Current position:


Year of Internship: 2021

Current position:


Year of Internship: 2018

Current Position: Youth & Kids Pastor at Citipointe Church Brisbane

The breadth, depth and dynamic nature of the internship has well equipped me for what comes next. I have a richer relationship with our Loving and Almighty God, an improved understanding and love for God’s Word, a confidence of who I am in Him, a passion for His people, and an operational appreciation of His House. Best decision ever!

Ben & Joelle

Year of Internship: 2008

Current position: Location Pastors at Citipointe Church Auckland

We both did the Citipointe Internship in 2008. Now we lead the Citipointe Location in Auckland, New Zealand. Internship was an incredible year of personal and spiritual growth that equipped us for life and ministry. It gave us many opportunities to develop faith, character and leadership skills.


What you can expect:

At the completion of the Internship you will have:

  • Gained an understanding and appreciation for how the whole church functions
  • Learnt to work in a team environment
  • Developed your ministry and leadership skills through practical experience
  • Received mentoring from Pastors and Leaders
  • Strengthened your knowledge of the Word of God through sound Biblical study and application
  • Progressed in your personal walk with God

What do we expect:

Each Internship applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Committed to the ways of Christ, and uphold the standards set in the Citipointe Heartbeat Document
  • Always punctual, reliable and diligent in work and study efforts
  • Commitment to all Church services, meetings and events
  • Submit to and come under the supervision of the leadership of Citipointe Church

Frequently Asked Questions

How old do I need to be?

To be a Citipointe Intern in Australia, you must be over 18 years old, or have finished Year 12. The equivalent applies to our NZ and USA Citipointe locations.

Can I work and be an Intern at the same time?

Interns are welcome to work and/or study other courses at University whilst doing the Internship, as long as they are able to maintain the requirements of their Sunday and mid-week Internship days and necessary Church events, according to their enrolled course.

What is the admission process?

  1. Apply at
  2. Your application will be reviewed and your references contacted
  3. You will be notified about the outcome of your application via email
  4. If accepted, confirmation and Orientation information will be sent you
  5. Upon acceptance, you are required to pay a $250 non-refundable deposit
  6. Once this has been paid, you will receive an email with instructions to pay the balance of the course fees through either a payment plan or pay in full. 
  7. You will then receive the Orientation details.

What do I need?

  • In-person Interns will be provided with books and access to church wifi and a Citipointe email account. 
  • You will need to provide your own device (laptop or tablet).

Do I need a laptop or tablet?

A lot of the practical components and portfolios an Intern will be outworking throughout their Internship will require them to have a laptop and/or tablet as much of what happens within Citipointe Church is organised through Google Docs, Spreadsheets, Elvanto, Basecamp and any other systems that we use to run the world. Therefore, each Intern is required to have some form of device (laptop or tablet) to use throughout the duration of the course. If this is totally not possible in a given case, we are happy to discuss other arrangements.

We exist to unmistakably influence the world for good and for God.

The Citipointe Internship is a Ministry of Citipointe Church.